Leadership Culture Survey™

Enhance Business Performance

Effective leadership outperforms ineffective leadership, which is why we think leadership is a primary competitive advantage and strategic priority.  The effectiveness of the leadership system in an organization determines, to a large degree, the organization’s performance, especially in volatile and uncertain business environments. Now there is an assessment that measures at the health of your leadership system—the culture of leadership in your organization.  The Leadership Culture Survey is the most comprehensive assessment available on the overall health and effectiveness of the leadership your organization.

Get an “MRI” of Your Leadership Culture

The Leadership Culture Survey provides a powerful “MRI” of your leadership culture. Used for your entire organization, or just a leadership team, the Leadership Culture Survey reveals valuable data, tells you how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between the current culture and desired culture, instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. The Leadership Culture Survey also measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organizations. A Leadership Culture Survey will:

  • Establish a compelling rational for change
  • Focus leadership development efforts
  • Delineate cultural challenges associated with acquisitions, mergers and restructuring plans
  • Correlate leadership to productivity, profits, turnover, and other bottom line metrics.

Measures Two Domains of Leadership

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Like the Leadership Circle Profile, the Leadership Culture survey is unique in that it measures two domains of leadership:

  • Creative competencies (top half of the circle) are well-researched leadership competencies that measure how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development, act with integrity, and encourage and improve organizational systems.
  • Reactive tendencies (bottom half of circle) are leadership styles that emphasize caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment. These self-limiting styles overemphasize the focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting yourself and getting results through high control tactics. High reactivity has a limiting affect on a leader’s competencies.

Build Readiness for Change at all Levels

The Leadership Culture Survey works seamlessly with the Leadership Circle Profile. It uses the same integrated framework that makes the Leadership Circle Profile powerful and effective.  While the Leadership Circle Profile provides in-depth feedback for individual leadership development, the Leadership Culture Survey builds readiness for change at the team and organization levels. The Leadership Culture Survey shows how leadership is showing up collectively.  It helps you map a course to the kind of leadership culture that will outperform less effective leadership cultures

User Friendly-Interface – Rich and Relevent Data

The Leadership Culture Survey takes participants less than 25 minutes to complete.  Like the Leadership Circle Profile, administration is web based and designed for ease of use. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Canadian French and Japanese.  Without requiring you or your team to read through reams of documentation, at-a-glance survey results reveals data and evokes a meaningful narrative that provides new insights for increasing your organization’s effectiveness.