A Complete System for Leadership Development

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There is no substitute for effective leadership. If you want to develop more effective leaders, and do that more rapidly and sustainably, you need a more comprehensive approach.

The field of leadership development is a fragmented collection of theories and practices. The Leadership Circle assessment tool has taken the best of what has been learned over the last half century and woven it into the first Unified Theory of Leadership Development to arise in the field.  Based on this unique framework, we offer a complete and integrated System of Leadership Development. The combination is unparalleled.

We support leadership transformation—change that evolves authentically from the inside out. We offer tools, methodology, and support for deepening the conversation with leaders so that change can occur on a deep, significant, life-altering level.

We offer best-in-class assessment and development tools for individuals, groups, teams, and the entire organization.

Leadership Circle Profile™ is the only competency based 360° profile that measures two primary leadership domains—Creative leadership competencies and Reactive tendencies. It then integrates the information so that the key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface. Unlike most assessments that measure only competencies, Leadership Circle Profile reveals to leaders and managers what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what actions they can take to lift their leadership to a higher level. Read more…
Leadership Culture Survey™ delivers a powerful “MRI” of your leadership culture. Our survey can be used for your entire organization or for a specific leadership team. Leadership Culture Survey reveals valuable data that tells you how your people view their current leadership culture and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. By finding the gap between their current culture and their desired culture, it instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. Leadership Culture Survey measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organizations. Read more…